Environmental Impact Assessment course

This is a 3 week (8h/day), 6 ECT, MSc level course. The course is composed of three parts: i) theoretical lectures on methods used in the EIA process, ii) first-hand experience through direct contacts with local stakeholders and iii) hands on training by writing an EI statement. Students are expected to work in teams on an EIA report about a topic they select themselves. Basic knowledge of environmental engineering and/or system-thinking is mandatory for this class.

The three first lectures of the EIA 2020 course are provides below (the EIA course of 2020 was entirely online due to Covid19):

  • Day 1: the course concept, the environmental challenges and environmental disasters
  • Day 2: The EIA process, legislation, concepts, screening and scoping
  • Day 3: Tools used within EIA (e.g. LCA, Casual Mapping, Stakeholder analysis, modeling), two case studies (1: City buses in Bern and 2: Hydropower in the Alps)
  • More videos are available upon request

The concept of this course was presented at EGU2017:


Links to previous years: